During the winter of 2021 I became quite fixated with collecting plastic and polystyrene rubbish on my local beach. After a particularly heavy southerly swell, the rubbish left behind was staggering and quite defeating. Not in its size - it was all very small - but in its sheer quantity. I made a vow to myself that I would pick up 10 pieces of small rubbish every day and this has now become a habit. In particular I became, obsessed with the small beads that I now know to be 'nurdles'. Nurdles are "pre production plastic pellets" used in the production of plastic products. There are several plastic's manufacturers in Wellington and a crazy amount of nurdles wash up on to our beaches. I can't pick them all up but 10 per day = 3,650 per year that aren't being swallowed by the fish. You will find nurdles washed up and left behind at the high tide mark of many beaches. The other thing that struck me during this time was how much plastic rubbish is round! Bottle tops, bottle rings, rubber seals .... Start a conversation wearing these eye catching earrings, inspired by microbeads, polystyrene, and circular rubbish collected from my local beach.
Melted silver balls made from recycled sterling silver. Also includes 3 18ct gold balls. The circle moves separately to the balls. Some of the balls are attached to the circle.
Circle diamater 2.5cm
Length of earring from ear 4.5cm
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